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Webinar on Landscape Photography Composition – July 14th

I’m offering a webinar on July 14th at 7pm on Composition for Landscape Photography. After the webinar ends, you’ll be able to watch it for seven days. That means if you can’t make it on the 14th, you can still see the webinar. To do either, you’ll need to register. Register here: Registration

floating bog at sunrise

For landscape photography and any type of photography, you can learn the craft and the settings and all that gobbledygook. If fact, you should. None of that matters unless you understand composition. Composition is key to creating good photos, and it’s why it’s a primary emphasis of mine during my photography workshops.

During the webinar, I’ll speak about Discovery vs. Visualization. The impact of additive or subtractive composition. I’ll talk about why you shouldn’t use the “Rules of Thirds.” Hint: it’s a fake rule.

I’ll also present you with my method of composition that began as a way to translate haiku into visual imagery. I call it Simplicity, Flow and Relationships. You’ll learn about shapes, lines, patterns, textures and color theory for landscape photography.

A Northstar Polaris canoe at sunrise on Sea Gull Lake.

From that point, I’ll teach you about flow, which is how you create an image that leads a viewer’s eye from where you want them to start and where you want them to go.

Then we will discuss relationships including my favorite visual relationship for landscape photography.

In addition, we’ll talk about lens choice, tripod height and more.

This is an in-depth webinar that hopefully will give you tools to use when you’re in the field composing your own shots. During the webinar, if you have questions, you’ll be able to ask them.

I hope to see you there. The cost is $19.99. Register here.

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