
Summer So Far: Midyear as an artist update.

This morning, I decided to look back over the fine art images that I’ve captured this summer (starting June 1st and ending August 9th). I came up with 94 images. When I narrow that down to my favorite images of the 94, I end up with 37. That’s fewer than 1 image per day, which is about the least productive I’ve been in years.

Here’s the internal artist excuses if you are into this kind of thing, otherwise skip to the next section.

I know the reason for this. Some of it is that I’ve had other projects that needed attention (where the money is) and the other is a volunteer job that I was elected into is taking much more time than I expected it to do. And, I’m just generally a little tired. My son is three now and by the time I play with him and hang out and work on the computer all day by the time sunset rolls around, I’m done. I don’t know if other photographers go through this or if other parents do, but here I am. It’s not a good excuse and I feel like I’m failing myself as an artist, but…. It is also giving me a much needed mental break and I’m feeling like I’m on the edge of something. I’m not sure what, but it feels like an edge.

Fall River Waterfall

If you want to sign the petition to try and save the Fall River waterfall from having an ugly bridge put in front of it, please, sign the petition:

Learn more here: Fall River Waterfall

Next Section

Here are the pretty images. :) I hope that you enjoy.


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